Source code for nxpy.ccase.cleartool
# nxpy.ccase package ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Nicola Musatti 2008 - 2014
# Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
# License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# See for library home page. ---------------------
Programming interface to the ClearCase configuration management tool.
Implemented by driving interactively the cleartool program.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import sys
import nxpy.command.interpreter
import nxpy.command.option
[docs]class FailedCommand(nxpy.command.interpreter.BadCommand, ClearToolError):
r"""Raised when a command returns an error code."""
[docs] def __init__(self, cmd, err_code=0, err=""):
message = []
if err:
if err_code != 0:
message.append("Error: " + err_code)
super(FailedCommand, self).__init__(cmd, "\n".join(message))
_config = nxpy.command.option.Config(
# boolean options, which appear on the command line without arguments.
bool_opts=("cact", "cview", "force", "identical", "keep", "long", "me",
"none", "nxn", "preview", "print_report", "short", "slink",
"visible", "vob_only"),
# Options with an associated value
value_opts=("activity", "comment", "in_stream", "invob", "log", "proj",
"stream", "target", "to", "user", "view"),
# Options with multiple arguments, separated by commas.
iterable_opts=("activities", ),
# Options whose argument is copied by means of the '%' operator.
format_opts={"fmt": "\"%s\""},
# Options whose name must be translated, e.g. because it is not a valid identifier.
mapped_opts={"in_stream": "-in", "nolog": "-log NUL", "print_report": "-print", "proj": "-in"},
# Boolean options that are expressed by the lack of an opposite command line option
opposite_opts={"activity": "-none", "checkout": "-nco -force", "comment": "-nc", "keep": "-rm",
"log": "-log NUL"}
command_line = "cleartool -status"
[docs]class ClearTool(object):
Allows manipulation of ClearCase UCM projects by driving the cleartool utility in a
Each sub-command is implemented in its own method. In general cleartool's standard output is
returned, except when standard error contains useful information, in which case both are
_result_re = re.compile(r"Command \d+ returned status (\d)\r\n")
[docs] def __init__(self, cmd=None, log=False):
Create a *cleartool* interpreter.
*cmd* is an optional :py:class:`.command.interpreter.Interpreter` instance, used mainly to
supply an alternative implementation for tests; *log* is an optional logging destination.
if cmd is not None:
self.cmd = cmd
self.cmd = nxpy.command.interpreter.Interpreter(command_line)
def _run(self, parser, **kwargs):
if isinstance(parser, nxpy.command.option.Parser):
cmd = parser.getCommandLine()
cmd = parser
raise_on_failure = False
raise_on_failure = kwargs["raise_on_failure"]
del kwargs["raise_on_failure"]
except KeyError:
kwargs["cond"] = nxpy.command.interpreter.RegexpWaiter(self._result_re,
out, err =, **kwargs)
if raise_on_failure:
err_code =
if err_code > 0:
raise FailedCommand(cmd, err_code=err_code)
return ClearTool._result_re.sub("", out), err, cmd
except nxpy.command.interpreter.BadCommand:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
raise FailedCommand(e.command, err=e.stderr)
# The cleartool sub-commands
[docs] def checkin(self, *elements, **options):
if not elements:
raise InvalidArgument("At least one element must be specified")
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "checkin", elements, options, comment="",
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def checkout(self, *elements, **options):
if not elements:
raise InvalidArgument(
"At least one element must be specified")
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "checkout -nq", elements, options, comment="")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def deliver(self, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "deliver", (), options, activities=(), cact=False,
long=False, preview=False, short=False, stream="", target="",
op.checkExclusiveOptions("activities", "cact")
op.checkExclusiveOptions("long", "short")
return self._run(op, raise_on_error=False)
[docs] def describe(self, *args, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "describe", args, options, fmt="", short=False)
op.checkExclusiveOptions("fmt", "short")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def ln(self, dest, *src, **options):
r"""Note: Arguments are inverted with respect to the original command, beware!"""
args = src + (dest, )
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "ln", args, options, checkout=True, comment=False,
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def ls(self, *files, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "ls", files, options, nxn=True, short=True,
visible=False, vob_only=False)
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def lsactivity(self, *activities, **options):
Note: *fmt=r"%[versions]p\n"* causes a race condition with activities that have a large
number of contribuents.
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lsactivity", activities, options, cact=False,
fmt="", long=False, me=False, short=False, in_stream="",
user="", view="")
op.checkExclusiveOptions("in_stream", "cact", "user", "me")
op.checkExclusiveOptions("fmt", "long", "short")
return self._run(op, interval=0.1)[0]
[docs] def lshistory(self, obj, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lshistory", ( obj, ), options, fmt="")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def lsproject(self, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lsproject", (), options, cview=False, view="",
invob="", fmt="")
op.checkExactlyOneOption("cview", "view", "invob")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def lsstream(self, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lsstream", (), options, view="", proj="",
invob="", fmt="")
op.checkExclusiveOptions("view", "proj", "invob")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def lsview(self, *tags, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lsview", [ "\'%s\'" % (t) for t in tags ],
options, cview=False, short=False)
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def lsvob(self):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "lsvob", (), {})
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def mv(self, dest, *src, **options):
r"""Note: Arguments are inverted with respect to the original command, beware!"""
args = src + (dest, )
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "mv", args, options, comment="")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def rmname(self, *args, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "rmname", args, options, checkout=True, comment="")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def setactivity(self, activity, **options):
if activity:
args = ( activity, )
args = ()
options["none"] = True
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "setactivity", args, options, none=False, view="")
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def uncheckout(self, *elements, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "uncheckout", elements, options, keep=False)
return self._run(op)[0]
[docs] def update(self, **options):
op = nxpy.command.option.Parser(_config, "update", (), options, print_report=False,
force=False, nolog=False, log="")
op.checkExclusiveOptions("log", "nolog")
return self._run(op, raise_on_error=False, timeout=300, interval=0.5, quantum=0.5)[0]