.. nxpy documentation --------------------------------------------------------- .. Copyright Nicola Musatti 2017 .. Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the Boost Software .. License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at .. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) .. See http://nxpy.sourceforge.net for library home page. --------------------- Creating a new release ====================== The basic steps for the creation of a new release are: * Ensure that all the desired changes have been committed to the ``default`` branch. * Run tests on all the supported versions of Python on all the supported platforms. +---------------------------+ | Supported Python versions | +---------------------------+ | 2.6 | +---------------------------+ | 2.7 | +---------------------------+ | 3.3 | +---------------------------+ | 3.4 | +---------------------------+ | 3.5 | +---------------------------+ | 3.6 | +---------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | Supported platforms | +---------------------------+ | Linux | +---------------------------+ | MacOS | +---------------------------+ | Windows 7 or later | +---------------------------+ * Ensure that all tests either pass or are skipped for a valid reason, e.g. a module requires a higher version of Python. * Update release information where required: + ``CHANGES.txt`` + ``DESCRIPTION.txt`` + ``README.rst`` + ``setup.py`` + ``docs/index.rst`` *