svn - High level API for the Subversion version control tool

A Python API for the Subversion version control tool.

A lazy, ahem, agile person’s answer to the official svn bindings.

svn - Wrapper for the svn client tool

Subversion client wrapper.

svnadmin - Wrapper for the svnadmin administration tool

Subversion administration tool wrapper.

url - Models a URL adhering to the trunk/tags/branches convention

Subversion URL manipulation.

exception BadUrlError[source]

Indicates a malformed URL.

class Url(path)[source]

A well-formed Subversion repository URL that follows standard svn conventions.

The URL must end in either ‘trunk’, ‘tags/label’ or ‘branches/label’.

wcopy - Models a working copy

Working copy manipulation.

exception ModifiedError[source]

Raised when attempting to tag or branch a working copy that contains changes.

exception NotOnBranchError[source]

Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested branch.

exception NotOnTagError[source]

Raised when attempting to delete a working copy that is not on the requested tag.

class Wcopy(dir, url=None)[source]

A working copy obtained by checking out a ‘Url’.